The worst food additives
Leading nutrition authorities assert that consuming whole foods is the most effective dietary approach. The more whole, natural foods you eat, the better off you will be. This means consuming foods that are not processed and that do not contain preservatives, chemicals, fillers, artificial flavours or artificial colours.
Here's a list of foods you should avoid that commonly contain added ingredients. Plus, check out the chart below of the top 10 worst food additives, why they're used, and why they're bad for you.
Where is it found?
1. Refined sugar and sweetened foods

Avoid foods with refined sugars as well as high fructose and regular corn syrups. Candy, soda, syrup, jelly, cookies and baked goods are on the avoid list. Instead, eat foods that are naturally sweet or sweetened with fruit or 100-percent fruit juice. You can also use natural sweeteners, such as honey or agave nectar.
2. Packaged foods with “un-whole” ingredients

Many packaged foods that seem healthy often contain fillers, preservatives and other ingredients you don‘t want in your diet. If you do choose something that has been manufactured (anything canned, packaged, etc.), try to avoid those that contain ingredients you don‘t recognize.
3. Diet foods

Diet foods are lower caloric versions of their high-calorie cousins, made by reducing the sugar and/or fat content. Reduced sugar foods and beverages are often loaded with highly processed, chemically-derived sugar substitutes; reduced fat foods usually have a lot of added sugars. Both options require the very additives and processing that are best avoided.
4. Fried foods

Fried foods, especially those that are packaged or come from fast food restaurants, more often than not contain saturated and trans fats. These fats have been linked to disease and other health problems.
5. Fast Foods

As upsetting as this may be, fast foods are, by all means, the worst of the worst offenders. Most are mass produced, processed and filled with preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings and other additives. Furthermore, fast food restaurants tend to use ingredients of lesser quality combined with unhealthy fats.
Top 10 ingredients to avoid
Ingredient | Why it's used | Why it's bad |
Artificial Colours |
Artificial Flavourings |
Artificial Sweeteners
(Acesulfame-K, As-partame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Sac-charin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol) |
Benzoate Preservatives
Brominated Vegetable Oil
(BVO) |
High Fructose Corn
(HFCS) |
(Monosodium Glutamate) |
Olestra |
Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils
(Palm, Soybean and others) |
Sodium Nitrite and Nitrate |